We Need new Stories will gather & platform stories of migration from first-generation Zimbabweans in Nottingham & dramatise them as audio plays following interviews from young people of African or Caribbean heritage.
From photography and filmmaking to training in interview techniques and oral history, young people aged 16-22 from African heritage will use their training to interview first generation Zimbabweans and document their rich stories and experiences, which will then be dramatised by a professional playwright. Young people receive training and first-hand experience of working in a creative environment, they will also assist with filming of the interviews and will take portrait photographs of the interviewees under the guidance of a professional photographer.
In early 2023, the young participants will have the opportunity to shadow professional directors, actors and sound designers during the recording process of the interviews. Once completed, a pop- up digital installation will be produced showcasing the audio plays born out of the interviews, alongside a range of photography, and objects and letters from the project. This installation will launch at five of Nottingham’s Libraries, across March 2023, and will then tour nationally over Spring/Summer 2023 with Fifth Word’s new production ‘We Need New Names’ (an adaptation by Mufaro Makubika of the Booker-shortlisted novel by NoViolet Bulawayo)
To register (for free), and to find out more about the workshops or to register as an interviewee to share your story of migrating from Zimbabwe to Nottingham please contact Fifth Word’s Participation Producer, Saziso Phiri, on saziso@fifthword.co.uk